Letter by Satomura Shotaku

- Person
- Date
制作年 AD17
- Title
- サトムラショウタクヒツショウソク
- Collections
- Century Akao Collection
- Depository
- Institute of Oriental Classics (Shido Bunko) Campus Mita
- Ref. number
- AW-CEN-001076-0000
- License
- CC BY Images license
- Creditline
- Classification
- Art
- AI Tagging
- Font Monochrome Plant Monochrome photography Pattern
Satomura Shotaku (1576-1636) was a renga (linked verse) poet of the early Edo Period. He was the first son of Satomura Shoshitsu (?-1603), who had been born to the daughter of Satomura Joha (1524-1602). In 1608, Shotaku was appointed hokkyo (lit. ‘bridge of the law’), and in 1617, inherited his father’s estate. Officially commissioned by the Tokugawa government to be renga master, Shotaku wasaleading figure in contemporary literary circles. In 1626, he was officially taught the secrets of interpreting the Kokin Wakashu (Collection of Ancient and Modern Poems) under the guidance of Emperor Gomizuno-o (1596-1680) and was named hogen (lit. ‘eye of the law’; accomplished artist or literary master) six years later. Until his death in 1636, Shotaku took part in annual renga parties held at Edo Castle, by making special trips from Kyoto.He cultivated friendships with haiku poets of the era, such as Nishiyama Soyin (1605-82) and Matsue Shigeyori (1602-80). Shotaku is considered tohave cast influence on the later development of haiku. This letter is a thank-you note sent to Takebe Fujiyemon (identity unknown) for a vat of sake and a bag of pepper that Shotaku had received as a year-end gift. Shotaku also asks Fujiyemon to convey his gratitude to the Lord of Shima (today’s Mie Pref.) for the basketful of oranges that had also arrived.Calligraphy by Shotaku, especially pieces written on tanzaku paper (narrow strips of paper for writing three-line poems), typically exhibits the Teika Style, the tradition passed down in the Satomura family. However, the letter shown here, an unpretentious private correspondence, has no such trait and, rather, shows Shotaku’s unique, individualistic style.
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