Letter by Kohitsu Ryosetsu

- Person
- Date
制作年 AD17
- Title
- コヒツリョウセツヒツショジョウ
- Collections
- Century Akao Collection
- Depository
- Institute of Oriental Classics (Shido Bunko) Campus Mita
- Ref. number
- AW-CEN-002296-0000
- License
- CC BY Images license
- Creditline
- Classification
- Art
- AI Tagging
- Handwriting Rectangle Font Monochrome Monochrome photography
The early Edo Period appreciator of ancient calligraphy Kohitsu Ryosetsu (1612-75) was the fifth son of Kohitsu Ryosa (1572-1662), the originator of this profession. Ryosetsu’s real name was Shigemitsu, but he was commonly called Jizayemon. After becoming a Buddhist monk, he adopted the pseudonym “Mushin-An Doboku” (lit. simple-minded dweller in a hut of empty mind) and studied haikai under Hinaya Ryuho (1595-1669) and sado (tea ceremony) from Kobori Enshu (1579-1647). Interestingly, Ryosetsu’s son, Ryomin (1645-1701), was named by his grandfather Ryosa as the fifth-generation heir to the main Kohitsu family, while Ryosa’s fourth son, Ryoei (1607-78), inherited the Kohitsu family name and estate as the second-generation heir. Ryosa’s third son, Kambe (also Isson, ?-1650), started a new branch of the Kohitsu family line. His services having been commissioned by Yamatoya Kizayemon, Ryosetsu acknowledges in this letter the authenticity of a piece claimed to have been written by Takeno Jo-o (1502-55). As such, this letter is a rare document describing the evaluation of works of art.
今朝路次と發端有之文大黒庵紹鴎筆蹟無紛之者ニ候間左様ニ御心得 可被成候則返進申候恐惶謹言 三月廿三日道樸(花押)大和や喜三右衛門様古筆了雪
Depository and ID
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- Letter by Kohitsu Ryosetsu
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