SHOKADO Shōjō (drawing)
- Person
drawingSHOKADO Shōjō (drawing)inscriptionISHIKAWA Jōzan (inscription)
- Date
Date Edo period (17th century) Date Edo period (17th century)
- Title
- ブドウズ
- Measurements
- 97.1×29.6
- Materials, techniques and shape
- Ink on paper
- Collections
- Century Akao Collection
- Depository
- Keio Museum Commons Campus Mita
- Ref. number
- AW-CEN-000110-0000
- License
- CC BY Images license
- Creditline
Keio University (Century Akao Collection)
- https://objecthub.keio.ac.jp/en/object/1827
- Classification
- Art
- AI Tagging
- Rectangle Font Tints and shades Handwriting Paper
Shokado Shojo (1584-1639) was a priest of the Shinto shrine Iwashimizu Hachimangu in Yamashiro province (Kyoto prefecture). He was also a Buddhist monk of great erudition in the tenets of Tendai Buddhism, and one of the central figures in the cultural circles of the Kan’ei period. He was good at tea ceremony, waka (31-syllable Japanese poems), and especially calligraphy. In painting he entered the studio of a Kano school painter; he was also a devoted admire and follower of Chinese paintings of the Song and Yuan dynasties. He mastered the sprit of Chinese ink paintings executed symbolically in economized strokes of the brush. The poetic inscription in the painting was added by Ishikawa Jozan (1583-1672), a Chinese-style poet who was living in seclusion at his abode Shisendo in Kyoto. It is written in a dignified, noble of rei (clerical) script reflecting his profound knowledge in Chinese studies.
Depository and ID
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