Over the course of its 160-year-plus history, Keio University has accumulated a vast collection of cultural artifacts from a diverse range of academic spheres. These collections are held and used not only in Keio’s libraries and research institutes but also at its undergraduate faculties, affiliated schools, and various other locations on campus, and a rich array of databases for the collections have been compiled reflecting the expertise of these respective institutions.
Now, KeMCo has developed the Keio Object Hub portal site, which provides a comprehensive overview of art and culture at Keio University by linking these databases together and tying them in with the culture-related activities taking place at the university, including exhibitions and lectures.
As a prototype feature, the Keio Object Hub uses AI (machine learning) to generate keywords for searches and filtering.
For the first launch, Google Cloud's Vision API will be used to analyze the images of each object and automatically generate keywords.
Explore the objects
Explore the objectsについてExplore the objectsについてExplore the objectsについてExplore the objectsについて
Explore the objectsについてExplore the objectsについてExplore the objectsについてExplore the objectsについてExplore the objectsについてExplore the objectsについてExplore the objectsについて
Behind the Hub
Behind the HubについてBehind the HubについてBehind the HubについてBehind the Hubについて
Behind the HubについてBehind the HubについてBehind the HubについてBehind the HubについてBehind the HubについてBehind the HubについてBehind the Hubについて
University Museums Connected
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University Museums ConnectedについてUniversity Museums ConnectedについてUniversity Museums ConnectedについてUniversity Museums ConnectedについてUniversity Museums ConnectedについてUniversity Museums ConnectedについてUniversity Museums Connectedについて
Keio Object Hub is managed by Keio Museum Commons, with the generous support of people and organisations in Keio University.
Keio Museum Commons
https://kemco.keio.ac.jp/ Email: hello@kemco.keio.ac.jp